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All on 4 Dental Implants in Jupiter, FL

Dental implants have improved immeasurably for more than a few decades. It has helped numerous people regain confidence and function, which have been absent from losing natural teeth. All on four implants are our comprehensive answer to edentulism and tooth loss.

What Are All on Four Implants?

All on 4 implants are…(need a sentence or 2 here). The design of this surgical placement protocol enables us, your experienced and qualified implant dentists, to accomplish the unparalleled in oral rehabilitation. You will save tens of thousands of dollars on having a brand new set of non-removable teeth because of its advantages and benefits.

In contrast to other teeth replacement techniques that existed before it, all on 4 implants are able to provide comprehensive solutions that apply to a broader range of candidates.

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Technique Design

In the early 1990s, European implantologist Dr. Paulo Malo innovated the All on Four implants technique. It consisted of the attachment of an entirely customized dental prosthesis to four dental implants in a single month. Patients were able to receive a full set of aesthetic, functional, and non-removable artificial teeth by inserting only four dental implants.

The success lies in the clever angulation and positioning in regions of the jaw that naturally has a larger volume of atrophy-resistant bone tissue. As a result, bone grafting surgery – a painful procedure – is expensive and takes almost a year to heal; but it can be avoided in most cases.

Benefits of All on Four Implants

  • Dental implants provide strength and support, enabling you to use the affixed dental bridge in eating and speaking as you would with your natural teeth.
  • It causes no irritation, inflammation, or sensitivity to your gums because a dental implant fully supports it. This saves you money from recurring expenses such as anesthetic gels.
  • All on Four implant prosthesis are low maintenance. You care for these as you would your  natural teeth: regular brushing and flossing. You do not have to remove them after meals or at nighttime. It’s affixed to dental implants and anchored in your mouth.
  • The implants look completely natural. This is because of the absence of the need for flanges, which are extra bulky in removable dentures. The implant becomes virtually indistinguishable from healthy, natural teeth.

How are they different from dentures?

All on Four implants are brushed and cleaned as you would your regular natural teeth. These are permanent teeth with no need to be removed at night. No gagging happens, nor no messy adhesives are used, in contrast to dentures. You can eat your favorite foods again as these implants let you bite down on foods with higher levels of force.

How are they compared to traditional dental implants?

Traditional dental implants usually need five to eight implants per arch. Since All on 4 implants are set at an angle, there is increased support through optimizing natural bone support.

Traditional ones often need bone grafting, where almost a year is required for healing. All on 4 implants need complete placement only for a single stage.

What should patients expect?

While each patient has a unique case, our general rule of thumb is that a couple of visits will be essential before the procedure for the initial consultation, impressions, and x-rays. The process itself, however, is only done in one setting together with extracting any tooth.

Multiple post-operative visits will be needed to make sure that your healing is going well. After about six months, that is when the final teeth are placed. This is when your gums are all healed up, and your implants are stable. This process is easier and shorter than the initial.

Who is qualified?

You are a great candidate for this procedure if you are currently wearing dentures, or potentially someone who will be needing dentures and does not have severe bone degeneration.

Where do the new teeth come from?

All on Four implants are an excellent solution for people who want to replace a full arch of damaged or missing teeth with non-removable, highly appealing, comfortable teeth. It has been backed up by documentaries and scientific studies to prove its high success rate of over 95%.

Contact Us Today!

Shoreline Smiles provides All on Four implants in Jupiter, Florida. We provide these implants in our clinic located at 1230 W. Indiantown Road Suite 101 Jupiter, FL. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the procedure, please feel free to contact our office.

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